If you have known that you could benefit from braces for several years now but have put off getting them, you should know that you are far from alone. Many people, young and old, have long avoided getting orthodontic help because they fear the metal braces, the way they look, and how they feel. You should know that there are better options available to many people today beyond what traditional metal braces bring that can be very effective for you. At Dr. Bita Orthodontic Group, they can offer you the comfort of their Northridge Invisalign aligners, aligners that provide you with much greater comfort than ever before.
Invisalign is Easier on Your Teeth
One of the downsides to metal braces has always been that teens and adults both find them to be very uncomfortable to wear. The idea of having metal tracks on your teeth sounds uncomfortable at face value, but once you have them in your mouth, you may find that they feel tight, uncomfortable and that wires may poke your tongue, cheeks, and lips often. Invisalign is much more comfortable for you because they are made of a soft, pliable plastic that is made from molds of your teeth. They are made to be comfortable for the wearer without any fear of tightness or poking.
Invisalign Makes Life Easier for You
Physical Comfort is just one of the upsides of the Northridge Invisalign aligners that they can provide you. Traditional braces can have a negative effect on how you feel about yourself. People often feel they are drawing looks and stares from others when they have the metal in their mouth, and it can make the wearer feel very self-conscious. Because Invisalign are clear aligners, no one other than you will know that you are even wearing them, making you feel better about the way your mouth and smile looks each day.
Find Out More Regarding Our Invisalign Treatment
If you would like to find out more about the Northridge Invisalign treatment that they offer at the Dr. Bita Orthodontic Group, you can read more about them and their services right on their website. If you think Invisalign can be an answer for you, you can also call her office at (818) 981-0640 and speak to one of staff about scheduling a date and time to come in and talk with an orthodontist about the options available to you that can get you the smile you want with greater comfort.