Getting Invisalign in Tarzana is easier than ever before. Now, you can finally get the best Invisalign that you’ve been looking for close to home. Instead of having to travel far away to get the best looking teeth of your life, you can stay close to home. That’s just one of the many services we offer here at Dr. Bita Orthodontics. Invisalign is one of our most popular services, and it’s easy to see why: it’s a technologically advanced yet simple way to get great looking teeth.
Invisalign Tarzana Advantages
When you use our Invisalign Tarzana services, you get the absolute best in everything. So, that means that you’ll be able to take advantage of our iTero element impression system. If you’ve ever gotten an impression of your teeth before, you know how unpleasant the experience can be. Usually, you have to put this gooey mess in your mouth, when you’d rather do literally anything else on top of that. Even worse, it often leads to you having to gag, which is an experience that is never pleasant. However, when you use our iTero element machine, you won’t have to deal with any of that.
Best Orthodontist in Tarzana
See, the iTero element doesn’t cause you to gag, or have to deal with some gooey mess. In fact, while you’re using it, you just have to breathe and swallow as you normally would. You don’t have to do anything unnatural, weird or odd – just do what you normally do, and we’ll be right there to give you the best Invisalign Tarzana experience possible. On top of that, you won’t have to put up with any unpleasant smells or tastes that are too often associated with getting impressions made. We made the process simple and easy, so you don’t have to dread it anymore.
Your Tarzana Orthodontist
Another great advantage of the iTero element system is that it’s fast. The 3D scans appear immediately, so you can view them right alongside your Dr. Bita Orthodontics professional. The days of waiting for scans to appear are long over. By that same token, it means even faster delivery times of your personalized Invisalign Tarzana treatment plan. So, you won’t have to wait long at all to have the teeth and smile that you’ve been dreaming of for so long. The benefits of the iTero don’t end with speed, though. They make it so that your Invisalign fits as precisely as possible. That will give you the best looking set of teeth and smile that you’ve ever had.
The Dr. Bita Orthodontics Group
When you’re ready to have the smile of your dreams, we’re waiting for you here at Dr. Bita’s Orthodontics. We can help with Invisalign or any other issues in regards to your teeth that you may have. If you’d like to start the process, or even if you’d just like to ask us a question, we’re ready to take your calls at (818) 629-1981. Or, alternately, you could check out our website as well.