Encino orthodontist

Getting orthodontic work can be a large commitment, especially for someone who does not know a lot about the process of orthodontic work. This commitment can seem even larger if you have reached an age when it may seem unusual to get braces. Many who have passed their teenage years feel embarrassed or self-conscious about getting braces as society has pushed the idea that it should only be treated in the formative years.

However, it is completely normal and acceptable to get braces in your adult years. As an Encino orthodontist, Dr. Bita can ensure that you feel comfortable and confident in making the commitment to orthodontic work.

Orthodontist in Encino

Encino Orthodontist Showing You Why It’s Worth It

Embracing the journey of getting braces as an adult is a decision that reaps long-term benefits, dwarfing the initial discomfort and social stigma. Here’s why taking the plunge is absolutely worth it:

Lasting Oral Health

Braces do more than just straighten teeth. They correct misalignments that can lead to more serious dental issues down the line, such as uneven wear, difficulty in cleaning, and even jaw pain. By aligning your teeth properly, you’re investing in a lifetime of improved oral health and functionality.

Boost in Confidence

The transformation braces offer goes beyond the physical. Achieving a smile you’re proud of can significantly boost your self-esteem and confidence. This newfound confidence can open doors in both personal and professional areas of your life, influencing interactions and opportunities.

Technological Advances

The field of orthodontics has seen remarkable advancements. Today’s braces are more comfortable and aesthetically appealing than ever before. Options like clear aligners and ceramic brackets significantly reduce the visibility of undergoing treatment, making them a practical choice for adults.

Improved Oral Hygiene

Straight teeth are easier to clean. By correcting overlaps and gaps, you reduce the spaces where plaque and bacteria can accumulate, lowering the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Plus, a well-aligned bite decreases the chances of issues caused by uneven pressure on certain teeth.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Orthodontic treatment is more customized than ever. Orthodontists take into account your lifestyle, preferences, and concerns to ensure the process is as convenient and efficient as possible. Whether it’s clear aligners that are virtually invisible or traditional braces with a twist of color, there’s an option that fits your life.

Financial Investment in Yourself

While the cost of braces might seem daunting at first glance, many dental plans now cover a portion of adult orthodontics. Additionally, the long-term savings from avoiding dental issues down the line can outweigh the initial outlay. Plus, the improvement in quality of life and self-image is priceless.

The decision to get braces as an adult is a powerful step towards not only a beautiful smile but also a healthier future. The journey might come with its set of challenges, but the results—a radiant smile, bolstered confidence, and enhanced oral health—are profoundly worth it. It’s an investment in yourself that pays dividends for the rest of your life.

Contact Dr. Bita Orthodontic Group

Pain and discomfort can deter adults from getting braces because they believe they don’t have time for them. As your Encino orthodontist, our team at Dr. Bita Orthodontic Group will take the time to show you that getting braces is worth it and that it is not unusual to care for your teeth.

By the end of your treatment, you will have straighter teeth and a happier smile, making you realize that every second of the experience was worth it. For more information, call (818) 981-0640 or click here to schedule a complimentary consultation.