August 14, 2017 Dr. Bita Moalej

Common Questions We Get about Invisalign in Toluca Lake

Getting straighter teeth for yourself or loved ones is important to you, so you want to have access to the best information and best products used today. More people today have an interest in the use of Invisalign braces over traditional metal braces, but you may still have some questions about Invisalign before you make a decision. So, we’d like to take you through their features. At the Dr. Bita Orthodontic Group, there are several common questions we get about Invisalign in Toluca Lake. We are glad to provide you with information that may assist you in making a more informed decision.

Questions about Invisalign

How Does it Work?

Many people wonder just how Invisalign works since it is not a permanent attachment to your teeth like traditional braces. The process begins with imaging of your teeth and mouth using digital technology. These images allow us to create a comprehensive treatment plan and the molds for the various aligners are then created for you to use over the course of your treatment. You wear each aligner for a few weeks and then change to the next one in the series so that your teeth are moved gradually into the proper position.

Does it Hurt?

Some people interested in Invisalign in Toluca Lake ask us if using the aligners is painful. Many people choose Invisalign over traditional braces because you do not have the frequent pain people feel when wearing metal braces. While some people may feel some initial discomfort when first wearing the aligners, the pressure felt subsides and is part of the alignment process. You will not feel any of the pain or poking you would feel from wire braces, making the experience much more comfortable for you.

Questions about Invisalign

Ask All Your Questions

If you are interested in Invisalign in Toluca Lake and want to find out more or have more questions about the treatment, please make an appointment to come and see us at the Dr. Bita Orthodontic Group.


You can schedule an appointment with us by calling our office at 818-981-0640 so that you can get an exam and evaluation. We can then discuss all the options available to you and answer any questions you may have so that you can make the best decision to help you get the straighter teeth and smile that you want.

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