May 17, 2019 Dr. Bita Moalej

Adult Braces After 50? Here’s What You Should Know

You may be wondering ‘even at your age’ if adult braces are something you should pursue and the answer is, yes! With aging teeth can move and shift as well as wear and tear from biting, grinding and chewing. You may have a gradual bone loss that can push teeth inwards, crowd them or affect the way we speak. Your crooked teeth can also create poorly aligned bites which can be more than a cosmetic issue. Think gum and bone loss, erosion of enamel and tooth decay.

Most older patients go to their orthodontic dentist to refresh the white of their pearly whites but a lot don’t go for braces.

Fixing a Misaligned Bites

You may already have great straight teeth but that doesn’t mean that your bite isn’t off. When your alignment is off it can cause lifelong issues such as trauma to your surrounding jawbone that adds pressure when you chew. This can result in muscle pain as well as headaches. Crowded and crooked teeth can also be harder to clean which can lead to inflammation and gum disease. When you solve the problem of misaligned teeth you’ll likely see those headaches disappear as well as the muscle pains.You can also see here to cure pain by consulting marijuana doctors.

Adult Braces

No more unsightly braces

If you are older in years and remember the days of thick glasses and heavy metal mouths know that things have changed quite significantly since then. No longer are people subjected to metal smiles. Instead, things are cheaper, lighter and have the ability to be much more discreet than they once were. However stainless steel braces, glued to the front of the teeth are still an industry standard because they are known to be effective. Yet as an adult, you probably don’t want that look an if that’s the care you can always go with translucent ceramic braces. They’re great for your upper teeth but not so much for the lower as they can wear away the enamel. If something goes wrong you must know that there are lawyers serving dentist offices that can help you as well.

You can also go with lingual braces which are placed behind your row of teeth or clear aligners. Aligners are removable trays that slip over teeth and are changed every two weeks. These are great for those patients that don’t have severe issues to fix with their teeth alignment. You can have your teeth fixed via Teach Dental Group and their experts, book an appointment immediately.

Braces For All Ages

Whether you are 15 or 50 braces will always be a good idea if you have good gums and jawbone health. There are cases of patients in their 70s and 80s who wish to correct their tooth issues. They go from crooked problem causing teeth to have fewer accidents like inner lip biting and uncomfortable to wear and tear. For a consultation, visit to explore your options and improve your dental health at any age.

If you think of getting adult braces in Encino and surroundings, and that this might be the answer to your orthodontic problems you shouldn’t wait any longer to get things sorted. Don’t hesitate to call the professionals at Dr. Bita’s Orthodontics to schedule a consultative appointment (818) 981-0640. Fixing your smile now could mean years of less pain, stress, and embarrassment over crooked teeth. Let’s get your on the road to your best smile yet!

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